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We customise our WILDA learning solutions for clients in order to meet the people where they are at. We achieve the best outcomes for every organisation by working collaboratively and building evidence-based programs that work.


Case Study 1: Energy Sector - CATALYST Leadership Forums
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This state wide infrastructure provider was determined to change the gender balance inside the company; commencing with a drive to recruit women graduates.  We designed a one day career program for the new women recruits and delivered 12 half-day CATALYST forums for senior leaders down to line leaders across the state (150 participants).  The leadership forum content focused on  breaking bias in the workplace, how to effectively coach, and adopt inclusive leadership behaviours.  The outcome was a very prepared leadership cohort that was able to be inclusive, coach, and retain 100% of the new women recruits.

Case Study 2: Semi-Govt Sector – 6 Month Unite Program

This semi government utility wanted to broaden the talent pool of upcoming female talent.  We delivered three comprehensive 8-month programs across three years (21-25 participants per year.  The program consisted of three face-to-face learning modules of two days each, a 360 assessment with feedback, three sessions of one-to-one coaching and three sessions of group coaching.  Each participant was allocated two Senior Leader sponsors to meet with, and they also met regularly with their Line Manager to transfer the learning on the job. 

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All Senior Leaders who volunteered to sponsor the program (25 pax per year) and all Line Leaders (21 pax per year) attended BOOST and CATALYST workshops, including the CEO and most of the direct reports. The outcome was a very motivated and career-ready group of women who have (to date) been promoted (40%) expanded their career in some capacity (90%) and developed more leadership skill and confidence (95%); all supported by a united leadership team dedicated to shifting the dial on inclusion.

Case Study 3: Entertainment Industry – COACHING for High Potential Senior Women Leaders
WILDA experiential learning

This private industry employer had been running an annual internal women’s development program for high potential women for 3 years and wanted to deepen the experience for the women on the program.  WILDA delivered a strengths based coaching program utilising an assessment tool, feedback session, pre-work and individualised goal setting approach.  The outcome was a highly engaged group who were able to leverage the strengths they discovered through coaching, right away, back on-the-job (100% satisfaction and development score).

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8th Floor, 60 Albert St, South Melbourne

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